Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The Hymas family would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks friends and family for a wonderful year! Jaten is now 5 and Braxten will be 2 in January. They are full of energy and make my life very busy, but i wouldnt have it any other way. Dustin is still out at the site working as a truckdriver/fork lift opp. i am staying busy at home with my boys and coaching volleyball during the Fall. We are truely blessed for everything we have and the opportunities we get. Here is an update of our 2009 year...
we bought a house in april and are loving it. it has been great to decorate and call it our own. Jaten and braxten are best buddies they do everything together including fight!!!Of course dustin did a lot of sledding last winter and is looking forward to all the snow this winter. We now have 2 sleds so i can go with him now on my own sled instead of on the back of his. Jaten started preschool this fall and is like a sponge he takes in everything he learns and is contantly asking me how to spell things. Braxten is out little monkey he is into everything like dragging a ripped open bag of flour across my kitchen writing on my couches and walls throwing a ball through my window and many more. My volleyball seasonwent great this year we only had one loss and i cant wait to have those girls again next year what a bunch of talented girls! Dusitn and Jaten got into an accident in June by rolling his four wheeler. Jaten was completly fine not even a stratch but dustin had a completely seperated shoulder and had to get surgery which put him out of work for 3 weeks and no playing for what the doctor said was 2 months but dustin didnt listen and was skiin by august. So the house had to be put on hold until next spring to remodle and build on to. No worries because i am enjoying our house to the fullest.
I hope that everyone had a marvelous year and wish you all best of luck next year. Merry christmas and we love you all.
the hymas family